Advanced Keyword Search


Type the WORD(S) you want, then click Submit

Limit Your Search (optional)

To select more than one limit in each field, hold the CTRL key while clicking your selections.

Type in Words to search: Examples

Search for an exact phrase

Use quotes to search for an exact set of words.

"united states supreme court"

Whole v. Partial Words
Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk.

environment* polic*

huck* finn

"?" replaces a single character anywhere within a word.

"*" matches any number of non-space characters starting at the specified position in the word.

wom?n will match woman and women

inter* will match internal, internet, international, etc.

The "*" wildcard functions only after at least two characters (e.g., a search for i* produces no results.

Use "and" or "or" to specify multiple words in any field, any order.

Use "and not" to exclude words. The "not" operator is used to modify results produced by other searches with operators and cannot be used by itself.

(Civil war) and women

(mercury and not planet)
Use "~<n>" to specify words close to each other, in any order where <n> specifies the maximum number of words that may appear between the two words.
"fractal geometry"~10

Note: the keywords must be enclosed in quotes.
Field limits
Specify fields to search, using field abbreviation. Fields available for this database include a: (author), t: (title), and s: (subject).
(a:twain) and (t:huck*)

(a:united and a:states) and (s:handicapped or s:disabled)